Subject: Loco View W95 Graphics Viewer Author: ASP Uploaded By: JPeabody9 Date: 4/9/1998 File: LOCOVW10.ZIP (1476739 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 7 minutes Download Count: 17 Equipment: W95 LOCOVW10.ZIP 1476739 11-19-96 LOCOVIEW95 1.04 W95 | LocoView95 v1.04 Win95 Graphics Viewer | and Slideshow with Auto-fit that uses full | screen, one click Auto-Zoom/Pan, and contin- | uous viewing for non-stop slideshows. Many | formats, powerful, and very stable. Fast | movement from file to file with no pre- | selection necessary. Switch slideshow on and | off at any time, cycle through directory | forward or backward. Turn auto-fit on and | off at any time. One click zooms and pans.